Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Best Meals of 2008

Favorite food moments from last year:
Breakfast pizza at the Farmers' Market in Ithaca, NY
Dinner at Zin in Healdsburg, CA
Lobster Bisque at Forest Grill in Birmingham, MI
Wine tasting with cheeses, olive oils, breads, salamis, and olives in Tuscany
Chocolate and Coffee gelato in Rome
Halibut and vegetables in a delicate lemon grass broth steamed in a tagine at school
Bouillabaisse at home with Mom, Pseudo Pop, & G
Making my guests want to eat their vegetables--cauliflower puree, roasted carrots with honey, and sauteed green beans with pecans
The moments when a meal was made for me!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Guess what one of my resolutions is?  You're right!  Blogging regularly.  Let's see how I do.
First restaurant meal this year?  Zingerman's Roadhouse.  G & I caught an Oprah show during vacation.  O's best friend Gayle traveled the country in search of the best sandwiches, two of which are here in Michigan.  Zingerman's barbecued brisket and a grilled cheese sandwich from a place in Royal Oak (near Detroit).
Since I was sick for New Year's Eve (^W$(*@%*^#^!@), G took me out on Saturday and we enjoyed the brisket and a patty melt with Swiss cheese and wild mushrooms.  Not exactly the healthiest meal, but pure heaven.  We'll try to eat chicken and vegetables the rest of the week to make up for it.
Tonight's the OH State/Texas Bowl game.  
Homemade cornbread